Featured in “tanz” Magazine

In the March 2024 edition of “tanz” magazine dance journalist Arnd Wesemann explores the landscape of “Fantasialand Nordrhein-Westfalen” – a “paradise” for artists working on the intersection of dance and digital stages. He took interviews with several well known colleagues and we are delighted to be part of the the vibrant scene he met around the festival “Temps D´Images” in Düsseldorf.

“During the pandemic, obviously more than just a lack of vitality has happened. A curiosity to go beyond the limits of one’s own body has been awakened (…). Choreographer Anna-Carolin Weber also spoke of a similar change in attitude to life at last year’s Temps d’Images (…). Weber’s own work ‘Hybrid Encounters’, developed with Tobias Kopka, in which two participants meet in virtual reality through a headset, may not be entirely innocent of this. Through their dance, they create a 3D sculpture that looks like calligraphy. The fact that, after this one-on-one situation, they also draw their movements in analogue form on a sheet of paper and note down their own thoughts shows the low threshold access to the possibilities of such virtual ‘ghost spaces’. The audience, says Weber, who really want to draw, write and dance, feel active here, not silenced.”

Full article: Arnd Wesemann, Fantasialand, Nordrhein-Westfalen ist das Paradies für Tanzkunst auf der digitalen Bühne: ein Streifzug durch die Landschaft rund um das Düsseldorfer Festival «Temps d’Images», tanz. Zeitschrift für Ballett, Tanz und Performance, März 2024

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