“Hybrid Encounters” Premiere at HAU2, Berlin

We are very excited to announce that our new work “Hybrid Encounters – A Virtual Reality Dance Experience” will be premiered at HAU – Theater Hebbel am Ufer in Berlin on the 17th + 18th of January 2024 as part of “Watch – Explore – Connect” curated by tanz:digital.

In this performative installation, visitors will have an extraordinary dance experience. Invisible movement sculptures from past dance encounters will be made visible through new movements. Put on your VR glasses and headphones and enter a dark, previously invisible space. In this virtual space, visitors encounter a track of movement that fills the space as a sculpture. This is not the only invitation to dance. In pairs, visitors take turns dancing, drawing and observing. They are immersed in the immediacy of the experience, discovering how others have moved, ‘swimming’ with 3D sculptures and finding themselves in a shared space. They will have non-verbal encounters with dances of the past and new theatrical acquaintances.

The installation, supervised by two performers, runs in a loop and invites visitors aged 12 and over to participate in the virtual reality dance experience in pairs for 12-15 minutes. No dance or technical experience is required.

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