Köln Premiere von “Hybrid Encounters” beim Festival der Darstellenden Künste

Invited by Freihandelszone Köln Anna-Carolin Weber & Tobias Kopka present their latest work “Hybrid Encounters – A Virtual Reality Dance Experience” at the Festival of Performing Arts in Cologne on October, 4th 2024

In this performative installation, visitors experience extraordinary dance experiences. Invisible movement sculptures from past dance encounters are made visible through new movements. Put on your VR glasses and headphones and enter a dark, previously invisible space. In this virtual space, visitors encounter a track of movement that fills it as a sculpture. This is not the only invitation to dance. In pairs, visitors take turns dancing, drawing and observing. They immerse themselves in the immediacy of the experience, discovering how others have moved, ‘swimming’ with 3D sculptures, and finding themselves in a shared space. You will have non-verbal encounters with dances long past and new play acquaintances.

Die Installation, die von zwei Performer:innen betreut wird, läuft in einer Schleife und lädt Besucher:innen ab 12 Jahren ein, paarweise für 12 bis 15 Minuten zu Akteur:innen des Virtual-Reality-Tanzerlebnisses zu werden. Für die Teilnahme sind keine tänzerischen oder technischen Vorkenntnisse erforderlich.

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